Mayweather and Kardashian accused of cryptocurrency fraud

Mayweather and Kardashian accused of cryptocurrency fraud
Photo by Johann Walter Bantz / Unsplash

Mayweather and Kardashian accused of cryptocurrency fraud
Professional basketball player P. Pierce, boxer F. Mayweather and model K. Kardashian have been accused of cryptocurrency fraud. They all participated in the EthereumMax advertising campaign.

According to WSJ, the lawsuit filed against the defendants in the fraud case will be heard in the U.S. District Court for the Central District of California. According to the plaintiffs, EthereumMax is a speculative digital currency created by unknown developers. Celebrities, whose accounts in social networks millions of people are subscribed to, recommended to buy tokens EthereumMax. They promised them a high return on investments made.

The value of one EthereumMax token is 0.0000000168 USD. The cryptocurrency capitalization is estimated at 25.6 million USD. For comparison, bitcoin has a value of 800 billion USD. The second most capitalized (384.4 billion USD) is the cryptocurrency Ethereum. For 1 ETH on the crypto market give 3,200 USD.

Pierce joined the EthereumMax advertising campaign in late spring of last year. The basketball player published a post on Twitter, from which it appeared that he had earned more money on investments in this digital currency in one month than in the last year.

Mayweather became part of the advertising campaign last June. The boxer's fight with video blogger L. Paul was sponsored by the developers of the virtual currency. As for Kardashian, she invited her 278 million Instagram followers to join the EthereumMax cryptocurrency community.