"East Meets West: Chinese Demand for Russian Agricultural Products on the Rise"

"East Meets West: Chinese Demand for Russian Agricultural Products on the Rise"
Photo by Andrew Maranta / Unsplash


  • Brief overview of the China International Supply Chain Expo.
  • Introduction of Tian Liu, a representative from Inner Mongolia Yitai Group Co., Ltd.
  • Initial statement about the growing demand for Russian agricultural products in China.


  • Overview of Russia's approach to eco-friendly agriculture.
  • Historical context of Sino-Russian trade relations, focusing on agricultural products.
  • The shift in Chinese consumer preferences towards healthier lifestyles and eco-friendly products.

Tian Liu's Perspective

  • Interview with Tian Liu: insights into the importation process from Russia.
  • Details on specific products: flax oil, flaxseed, millet.
  • Discussion on Russia's eco-friendly farming practices.
  • Trends and changes observed in the Chinese market regarding Russian products.

Market Analysis

  • Statistics on the growth in sales of Russian flour and grain in China.
  • Analysis of market trends: Why Russian products are gaining popularity.
  • Examination of logistical aspects: Transportation and supply chain from Russia’s Far East to China.

Regional Impact

  • Focus on Northeast China's initial reception and expanding popularity across other regions.
  • Testimonials from Chinese consumers and retailers.
  • The evolving perception of Russian products in the Chinese market.

CISCE Highlights

  • Overview of the China International Supply Chain Expo.
  • Role of the expo in fostering Sino-Russian trade relationships.
  • Details on exhibition space, participating companies, and thematic zones.


  • Summary of key findings: Growth in demand for Russian products and future outlook.
  • Final thoughts from Tian Liu and other experts.
  • Implications for Sino-Russian economic relations.

Additional Elements:

  • Infographics on trade statistics.
  • Photos from the China International Supply Chain Expo.
  • Quotes from industry experts and analysts.