Oyster Protocol Founder Sentenced to Four Years for Tax Evasion and Exit Scam

In a landmark case that has sent shockwaves through the cryptocurrency community, the founder of Oyster Protocol, has been sentenced to four years in prison and slapped with a $5.5 million fine for tax evasion and conducting an exit scam in 2018. The case has highlighted the growing need for regulatory oversight in the digital currency space and serves as a stark reminder of the potential risks associated with investing in cryptocurrencies.


Oyster Protocol was once touted as a revolutionary blockchain-based platform designed to incentivize users to share their unused bandwidth and storage space. Utilizing its native PEARL token, Oyster Protocol aimed to create a decentralized, secure, and private internet. However, the project took a dark turn in 2018 when the founder, under the pseudonym “Bruno Block,” conducted an exit scam by issuing additional PEARL tokens and selling them on the market, leading to a dramatic crash in the token’s value and a loss of trust in the project.

The Exit Scam:

On October 29, 2018, Bruno Block exploited a vulnerability in the Oyster Protocol smart contract, allowing him to reopen the token’s Initial Coin Offering (ICO) and mint new PEARL tokens. He then proceeded to sell these tokens on the cryptocurrency exchange KuCoin, netting approximately $300,000 before the exchange halted trading of PEARL. The sudden influx of new tokens caused the price of PEARL to plummet, leaving investors with worthless tokens and shaking confidence in the security of smart contracts.

Investigation and Arrest:

The illicit activities of Bruno Block did not go unnoticed. The cryptocurrency community quickly rallied together, with blockchain analysts and enthusiasts working tirelessly to uncover the identity of the individual behind the exit scam. Their efforts, combined with those of law enforcement agencies, led to the eventual arrest and prosecution of the Oyster Protocol founder.

During the investigation, it was revealed that Bruno Block had failed to report the income generated from the sale of PEARL tokens on his tax returns, amounting to a significant case of tax evasion. The Internal Revenue Service (IRS) played a crucial role in uncovering the extent of the fraud, utilizing blockchain analysis tools to trace the flow of funds and build a case against the defendant.

Trial and Sentencing:

The trial of the Oyster Protocol founder was closely watched by the cryptocurrency community and legal experts alike, as it represented one of the first major cases of an exit scam being prosecuted in a court of law. The prosecution argued that Bruno Block’s actions were premeditated and calculated, highlighting the sophistication of the exit scam and the steps taken to conceal his identity and financial gains.

The defense, on the other hand, attempted to paint a picture of a misguided individual who had made a series of poor decisions under the pressure of managing a high-stakes cryptocurrency project. They argued for leniency, citing the defendant’s cooperation with authorities and willingness to repay the stolen funds.

Ultimately, the judge sided with the prosecution, sentencing the Oyster Protocol founder to four years in prison and ordering him to pay a $5.5 million fine. The judge emphasized the need for a strong deterrent against future exit scams and the importance of upholding the integrity of the cryptocurrency market.

Impact on the Cryptocurrency Community:

The sentencing of the Oyster Protocol founder has sent a clear message to the cryptocurrency community: exit scams and tax evasion will not be tolerated. The case has also highlighted the growing capabilities of law enforcement agencies to trace and prosecute illicit activities conducted using cryptocurrencies.

For investors, the case serves as a stark reminder of the risks associated with investing in digital currencies and the importance of conducting thorough research before investing in any project. It also underscores the need for regulatory oversight in the cryptocurrency space to protect investors and maintain market integrity.


The Oyster Protocol case represents a significant milestone in the fight against exit scams and tax evasion in the cryptocurrency space. The four-year prison sentence and $5.5 million fine handed down to the founder send a strong message to would-be fraudsters and highlight the capabilities of law enforcement agencies to bring perpetrators to justice.

As the cryptocurrency market continues to evolve, it is crucial that regulatory frameworks are established and enforced to protect investors and maintain market integrity. The Oyster Protocol case is a step in the right direction, demonstrating that even in the decentralized world of cryptocurrencies, there is no place to hide for those who seek to defraud and evade taxes.