Musk was granted official homeless status

Musk was granted official homeless status
Entrepreneur I. Musk got rid of his last home. He made $30 million from the sale of the Hillsborough mansion. The name of the buyer of the 19-hectare home is being kept secret. In the summer of 2020, Musk asked 37.5 million USD for the house. By the fall, the price was reduced to 31.9 million USD.

The mansion boasts 10 bathrooms, a library with leather-covered walls, seven bedrooms, a dance hall, a swimming pool and a garage for 11 cars. The home was bought by the billionaire in 2017. He paid 23.4 million USD for it.

The house was built by a member of the French nobility, C. De Guinier, in 1912. The Count moved to California after his marriage. His wife was the heiress of the California gold rush.

Musk got rid of all his other real estate early. At the moment he rents a small house in Texas from SpaceX. Its area is 37 "squares. According to the businessman, he doesn't need real estate on Earth, because he wants to live on Mars.