China's Influence on the Global Oil Market in 2024: A Comprehensive Analysis

In the ever-evolving landscape of global economics, the role of major players like China in the oil market is a subject of keen interest and analysis. As 2024 unfolds, the extent of China's influence on the global oil market has been a topic of significant discussion among experts. This comprehensive article delves into the latest forecasts and analyses from Citigroup's commodity analysts, as reported by Interfax, to understand the nuanced dynamics of this relationship.

Limited Impact in 2024

Contrary to what some might expect, the impact of China on the world's oil market in 2024 is predicted to be limited. This forecast, coming from Citigroup's seasoned commodity analysts, suggests a more restrained scenario than one might anticipate from such a significant global player.

Economic Recovery and Oil Demand

One key factor in this assessment is China's approach to economic recovery post-pandemic. Following prolonged lockdowns, the Chinese government has implemented various stimulating measures to revive its economy. However, these measures are not expected to lead to a dramatic increase in oil import and demand. Analysts estimate that in 2024, the volume of oil imports into China will remain largely unchanged from the previous year, hovering around 11.3 million barrels per day.

This steady state of oil imports can be partly attributed to the specific areas of economic growth in China. For instance, the petrochemical sector, which is anticipated to experience some growth, is expected to contribute to a marginal increase in oil demand—about 300,000 barrels per day.

Oil Production and Global Prices

On the production side, the situation mirrors the trend in consumption. It is predicted that the average daily oil production in China will see a minimal increase, estimated at around 100,000 barrels per day. This modest uptick in production is unlikely to exert a significant influence on the global oil market prices.

Russia as a Key Supplier

The backdrop to this analysis includes some interesting shifts in global oil trade dynamics. In 2023, as per data reported by Bloomberg and sourced from China's General Customs Administration, Russia emerged as the largest foreign supplier of oil to China. Over the course of 12 months, Russian exporters delivered a record-breaking 107 million tons of crude oil to the Asian giant. This volume not only represents a significant figure but also marks a notable shift in the global oil supply landscape, with Russia surpassing other major exporters like Saudi Arabia, Iraq, and Malaysia.

Implications and Perspectives

The information provided by Citigroup's analysts paints a picture of a more stable and predictable Chinese oil market in 2024. This stability is a result of China's balanced approach to economic recovery and growth, particularly in the wake of the global pandemic.

The fact that China's oil import volumes are expected to remain steady, with only a slight increase in domestic production, suggests a scenario where China continues to be a major player in the global oil market, but not one that is likely to cause drastic changes or volatility in the near term.

Moreover, the role of Russia as a major supplier to China underscores the evolving geopolitics of oil. This dynamic has implications for global trade and economic relationships, influencing not only the countries directly involved but also the broader international community.


In summary, the year 2024 is set to witness a China that maintains a significant yet steady presence in the global oil market. Despite its large-scale economic recovery efforts, the impact on oil import and demand is projected to be moderate. Meanwhile, the relationship between China and Russia as key trade partners in the oil sector highlights an important aspect of the global oil supply chain. As the world continues to navigate the post-pandemic economic landscape, the nuances of such relationships and their impact on the global oil market will remain a subject of close observation and analysis.